Volunteers assist ANHN in delivering services
Volunteers are an essential and important aspect of any organization. They offer the gift of time to do supportive work without pay. Volunteers assist us in delivering our services and the time they dedicate to us is invaluable.
ANHN has many opportunities for you to volunteer throughout the year. The time consists of helping out with the ANHN display, annual events, outreach, fundraising, general office duties and general cleaning.
Community volunteering refers to volunteers who work to improve community enhancement efforts in the area in which the live in and provide valuable service to the community. Community groups play a key role in building strong cities from the neighbourhood up. Supporting understaffed organizations can enable them to succeed in a variety of areas. Volunteering is a great way to learn valuable work experience.
ANHN Policy: All interested applicants must fill out a volunteer application form, provide 3 references and complete a criminal record check.
To apply online click here or to print out a hard copy form click here Application form.
"You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it" - Albert Schweitzer
Some things to consider when you are going to volunteer would be:
- What are your skills, interest and experience that you would like to share?
- What issues or causes are important to you?
- What experience are you hoping to gain?
- How much time would you be able to commit?
- Do you want to volunteer in your community?
- Looking for a short term volunteer opportunity? Consider volunteering at a special event.
Who can benefit from volunteering for the Network?
- Anyone who is interested in HIV/AIDS information. We are a host to many students and work placements from the community.
- Anyone who is interested in front line work.
- Anyone who is interested in serving the community we work in.